Goty 2021


In the honour of one of our favourite podcasts, The Back Page, Bags and I decided to get together and go through our personal highlights from the year. We stole their stolen format, and it was damned good fun.

For posterity’s sake here’s my list:

Top 5

Forza Horizon 5

  • Very relaxing, and respectful of time.
  • Great fun.
  • Lots to do.
  • A bit unstable for me.
  • Other players are utterly hernia inducing


  • 180 hours played.
  • Wonderfully open
  • Visually incredible
  • Great blend of styles. There are objectives, but there’s also incredible free form gameplay.
  • Uneven difficulty curve
  • Sometimes beyond frustrating

Monster Hunter: Rise

  • Streamlined a lot of the best things about Monster Hunter.
  • Excellent combat.
  • Surprisingly easy to pick up and put down.

It Takes Two

  • Incredible creativity
  • Exceptional coop
  • Story was a bit crap
  • Felt weirdly disjointed. To steal from Linus Sebastian of LTT fame - it felt like 10 different Dev teams worked on a level each and then stitched it together at the end.

Disco Elysium: Final Cut

  • Incredibly dense. I found it hard to play for long and haven’t quite finished it yet.
  • Utterly unique.
  • Incredible dialogue and inner monologue.

Honourable mentions

Games I’ve really enjoyed but either haven’t been able to spend the time with, or just weren’t quite right for the top 5.

Super Auto Pets

  • Free.
  • Surprising depth.
  • Very simple.
  • Very addictive.


  • Super unique.
  • Excellent base game.
  • Love the style.
  • Many layers.


  • Everything I wanted Dishonoured to be, so far.
  • Amazing atmosphere and level design.
  • Would almost certainly be on the list if I’d gotten further.

Mini Motorways iOS

  • Relaxing timewaster.
  • Perfect for when soothing children to sleep.


  • Not perfect, but a lot of fun.

Want To Play

Pretty self explanatory, but these are games which are on my list to play, but which I haven’t got round to yet.

  1. Metroid Dread.
  2. Hitman 3.
  3. Psychonauts 2.
  4. Subnautica Below Zero.
  5. AOE4.
  6. Halo.

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