
2021-04-20 | #DevOps #Serverless

Super quick one but hopefully you can see I’ve redone my blog. I liked Ghost a lot but the instance I was running was having some annoying persistent issues, and I spun my wife up a server for her new business ( As such I thought have a stab at something serverless. To reduce costs, simplify my life, and as a learning exercise. I’d looked in to it before and kind of bounced off a few solutions but this time I decided to give Hugo a go and I’ve got to say it’s absolute bloody magic.

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Ubuntu Server Nas


I bought an HP Microserver to run as a NAS, Homelab and general utility server. Weird things I’ve learnt and am documenting mostly for myself but if they help anyone else then so much the better. Networking is disabled by default, you either need to run sudo dhclient to bring up an interface with dhcp or you need to create a netplan config and then run netplan. My config looked like this:

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Pcie Problems


Just a quick heads up to anyone building a new PC with one of the new gen GPUs (Ampere or Big Navi). This will mostly affect those of us with SFF cases, but if you’ve gone for a vertical mount on your GPU you may be affected too. Riser cards/cables are PCIe 3.0. New motherboards and GPUs are PCIe 4.0. If you leave the PCIe detection to auto the risers will just pass through whatever is fed to them and you can end up running PCIe 4.

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Minipc Build Woes


Last Thursday I finally got my shipping notification from Scan that my new Ryzen 5000 series processors had shipped. I was incredibly excited - I’d been sitting on a Zaber Sentry [] since around my birthday and a bunch of other components or around a month since Scan had accidentally told me that my processor would be delivered on November 7th. I ran in to a bunch of issues - if you’re here looking for fixes then scroll straight to the bottom for the TL;DR.

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Backups Are Good


So after yet another instance of Certbot breaking on Amazon Linux I got annoyed with it and decided to move everything over to Ubuntu. I thought this would be super easy as I’ve got everything mounted in on EBS volumes. It wasn’t quite as straight forward as I’d thought, though. And as part of it I thought that my Ghost container had overwritten the content on my mounted volume with the default and then remembered I’d never got round to setting up a backup.

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