Ecs Healthchecks


Just a tiny little gotcha that wasted far too much of my time on Friday. The ECS health check requires a comma separated list, but will accept one that’s not. Furthermore if you copy the health check from another task definition the check will be shown without the commas. This causes a lot of wasted time. The correct format is something like: CMD_SHELL, /usr/bin/curl http://localhost:1234/healthcheck | grep -q ‘HEALTHY’ || return 1

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Back to Windows


So as much fun as I had using Linux as my main OS, I wasn’t able to stick it permanently for a couple of reasons. Performance issues - something was a bit janky with my Manjaro install and over time the performance would degrade. I would start to get mini freezes and it would slowly grind to a halt until I had to restart it. Ease of use - I was able to get a lot of apps up and running just fine, but Discord was the final straw.

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Ssh Auth Errors


I’ve been having a weird issue with my Macbook at work in the last month or so whereby I would be happily working away and then at some point, seemingly at random I would suddenly get rejected when connecting to a server with the following error message: Received disconnect from XX.XX.XX.XX port 22:2: Too many authentication failures Disconnected from XX.XX.XX.XX port 22 It had been bugging me for a little while but a restart fixed it but I had a lot of patching to do so wanted to fix it properly rather than rebooting all day.

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New Technologies


It’s been a crazy couple of months, but a few weeks ago at work we had a hack week of sorts where we put day to day support stuff to one side and spent the week exploring new technologies with a view to applying them to our stack. It was a load of fun to be exploring new options. We very quickly honed in on the Hashicorp stack of Terraform, Nomad and Vault.

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Switching to Linux


At my new job I spend a lot of time on Linux servers. And while I used MacOS for my day to day machine, several of my colleagues use Ubuntu, Manjaro or Arch Linux for theirs and I’ve been very pleasantly surprised. The other two members of my team both use Linux at home as well, and game pretty successfully. Since the time for a rebuild is approaching this got me thinking - do I actually need to pay for Windows when the time arrives?

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