Cupboard Clearout 2018


As with all households Libby and I have found ourselves with cupboards overflowing with well intentioned surplus ingredients. In particular we have loads of dried pulses, spices, grains and all manner of other random things we’ve bought over the years. We’ve decided we’re going to make a concerted effort to clear them up, and we’re going to pick one ingredient at a time and find a bunch of new recipes which we can work through until it’s used up.

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Certbot Aml


I’ve had to try and get this working a few times now, and every time it’s a major faff as it’s not officially supported yet, for some reason. After an awful lot of searching and trying a lot of different methods I’ve finally found one that seems to work and is straightforward: wget chmod a+x certbot-auto sudo ./certbot-auto --debug --server -d Then just follow the instructions and bask in the joys of Certbot and add it to cron to autorenew.

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I know I’m really rather late to the party on this one, but hot damn Docker is great. I started a new job about a month ago now and it’s been quite a learning curve. Until now I’ve heard a lot about it but I didn’t really get it and there didn’t seem to be much point in using it for fairly straightforward LAMP servers, but for anything more complicated than that it just makes so much sense.

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So I accidentally reserved two instances instead of one when I was playing with the idea of getting my Unifi controller running in AWS, and thought I might as well put the second one to use doing something useful. I’ll mostly be sharing my nerd learnings, but also the occasional games waffle or life update will creep in I’m sure. Anyway that’s all for now, let’s see how this goes…

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